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Showing posts with the label benefits of stretching

Effective Benefits of Stretching

What is Stretching? Stretching the word itself is very much self-explanatory that you will have to stretch your body parts. Many people start their day by stretching before even get out of bed. It’s a normal behaviour to relive the muscle tension and it is seen in animals also. Regular stretching reduces the risk of getting injured, can induce a feeling of calmness, and is responsible for improving the blood circulation as well. Now question arises, why does stretching feel good? We as human have a tendency to avoid the things which causes pain and stretching is one of them as initially it gives pain if you apply it on your lazy body. But once your body gets used to it eventually you will start feeling better. Now let’s see its most effective benefits. Improved circulation When you stretch a muscle or say any body part of your body, your body responds by increasing blood flow in that area. The blood vessels around the targeted muscle widen to allow more blood to flow through, a