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Showing posts with the label Bones

Natural ways to maintain outer appearance

    Outer Appearance  - In today’s era, doesn’t matter how you are and how you are feeling from inside whether you are fit or not. What the most matters is how do you look from outside, your appearance. And there's nothing wrong in it as your first impression is noticed from your personality, your outer appearance, which is even silent and the person is not even aware of it. so having a good personality or outer appeareance is always an added advantage. So here we are to discuss about keeping the good side of outer appearance. First of all, always take a proper good sleep as it reflects on your face when you wake up. Always eat balanced diet, healthy nutrition. Always take proper sunlight as it is needed for body. Never take too much stress, deal with it. Do regular exercise. Quit smoking and alcohol. Be social as much as you can. Always smiling Be realistic Also, wear well fitted clothes which suits on your body. Get regular hair trim. Stop taking junk into your body. Keep yoursel

Natural ways to keep Immunity strong

  Immunity –  Immunity, the body's first line of defense mechanism against illness. So, to remain stronger and healthy body, you need stronger immunity system as it protects the human body from outside diseases, virus, infections. The immune system is made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together to keep you healthy and fit. There are many ways to improve body's immunity and here, some of the important ways are mentioned through which one can improve the immunity of his/her body.   So to have stronger immunity or to boost your immunity system, follow the points. Always maintain a healthy diet as your diet should include oranges, grapefruit, apples, pears, turmeric, Oily fish, Broccoli, Sweet potatoes, Spinach, Ginger. Do regular exercise, keep your body hydrated. Do regular yoga and meditation. Good sleep atleast 6-7 hrs a day, minimize stress and immunity as all are closely tied. Stay upto date on recommended vaccines. Take proper vitamins especially vi

Natural ways to keep bones healthy

  Bones -  it gives structure to human body. There are 206 bones in human body. Bones are made up of a framework of a protein called collagen, with a mineral called calcium phosphate that makes the framework hard and strong. Bones store calcium and release some into the bloodstream when it’s needed by other parts of the body. So always, take good care of your bones but how, don’t worry keep reading, you will get to know. Take plenty of calcium-rich foods to keep bones strong like – Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Fortified plant-based beverages, like fortified soy beverage, Beans, tofu, nuts, fish and leafy green vegetables like spinach. The RDI (Recommended dietary Intake) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day for most people, although teens need 1,300 mg and older women needs to consume 1,200 mg. Get enough vitamin D – Milk, Fatty fish, yogurt Eggs. Potassium, vitamin K and magnesium help your body to absorb and use calcium . So get these important nutrients by eating a variety of healthy foods lik