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Natural ways to keep bones healthy

  Bones -  it gives structure to human body. There are 206 bones in human body. Bones are made up of a framework of a protein called collagen, with a mineral called calcium phosphate that makes the framework hard and strong. Bones store calcium and release some into the bloodstream when it’s needed by other parts of the body. So always, take good care of your bones but how, don’t worry keep reading, you will get to know. Take plenty of calcium-rich foods to keep bones strong like – Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Fortified plant-based beverages, like fortified soy beverage, Beans, tofu, nuts, fish and leafy green vegetables like spinach. The RDI (Recommended dietary Intake) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day for most people, although teens need 1,300 mg and older women needs to consume 1,200 mg. Get enough vitamin D – Milk, Fatty fish, yogurt Eggs. Potassium, vitamin K and magnesium help your body to absorb and use calcium . So get these important nutrients by eating a variety of healthy foods lik

Natural ways to keep Heart Healthy

  Heart – another most important and amazing organ in human body having size equal to fist and placed in the middle of the chest slightly to the left. It pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the whole body to sustain life. It beats (expands and contracts) 100,000 times per day. Now, how to keep your heart healthy. Because nowadays most of the people worldwide are dying just because of sudden heart attack, especially in youngsters between 30 to 50 age group. But no need to worry at all, just keep reading and you will get all your answers. Now, when it comes to the health of the heart, the very first thing which we need to take care of is our daily diet because our daily diet is directly affects the health of our heart. So, here some of the important food which we must include in daily diet. 1. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits as much as you can take as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. 2.Whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry meat and fish, nuts