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Showing posts with the label fat

Natural ways to gain body weight

   There is a saying that weight gaining is much easier rather losing weight as you just have to consistently eating more and more calories per day. But to gain weight people used to have what comes in their daily diet provided  outside or  at home(may be unbalanced)  called unhealthy food(Junk) rather having healthy & good diet . So the point is one must approach for a balanced and healthy diet rather than unhealthy junk food. Now, what is important to increase weight ? Ans is-  increase Calorie Intake, Increase daily protein, carbs, fats, fiber intake, eat more often, drink less water before eating, So, Here we have a list of few food items which helps in weight gaining. 1- Rice (Brown/white) Rice - (our desi diet ingredient), Rice is always a high calorie-diet, mix it with chicken breast to obtain a high amount of protein, carbs and calories from a single serving. This helps you eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or get full quickly. And above all it i

Natural ways to maintain outer appearance

    Outer Appearance  - In today’s era, doesn’t matter how you are and how you are feeling from inside whether you are fit or not. What the most matters is how do you look from outside, your appearance. And there's nothing wrong in it as your first impression is noticed from your personality, your outer appearance, which is even silent and the person is not even aware of it. so having a good personality or outer appeareance is always an added advantage. So here we are to discuss about keeping the good side of outer appearance. First of all, always take a proper good sleep as it reflects on your face when you wake up. Always eat balanced diet, healthy nutrition. Always take proper sunlight as it is needed for body. Never take too much stress, deal with it. Do regular exercise. Quit smoking and alcohol. Be social as much as you can. Always smiling Be realistic Also, wear well fitted clothes which suits on your body. Get regular hair trim. Stop taking junk into your body. Keep yoursel

Natural ways to keep Heart Healthy

  Heart – another most important and amazing organ in human body having size equal to fist and placed in the middle of the chest slightly to the left. It pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the whole body to sustain life. It beats (expands and contracts) 100,000 times per day. Now, how to keep your heart healthy. Because nowadays most of the people worldwide are dying just because of sudden heart attack, especially in youngsters between 30 to 50 age group. But no need to worry at all, just keep reading and you will get all your answers. Now, when it comes to the health of the heart, the very first thing which we need to take care of is our daily diet because our daily diet is directly affects the health of our heart. So, here some of the important food which we must include in daily diet. 1. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits as much as you can take as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. 2.Whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry meat and fish, nuts