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Natural ways to keep Heart Healthy


Heart – another most important and amazing organ in human body having size equal to fist and placed in the middle of the chest slightly to the left. It pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the whole body to sustain life. It beats (expands and contracts) 100,000 times per day.

Now, how to keep your heart healthy. Because nowadays most of the people worldwide are dying just because of sudden heart attack, especially in youngsters between 30 to 50 age group. But no need to worry at all, just keep reading and you will get all your answers.

Now, when it comes to the health of the heart, the very first thing which we need to take care of is our daily diet because our daily diet is directly affects the health of our heart. So, here some of the important food which we must include in daily diet.

1. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits as much as you can take as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers.

2.Whole grains, low-fat dairy products, skinless poultry meat and fish, nuts and legumes and non-tropical vegetable oils.

3. Red Wine – if you drink alcohol then research says red wine may be a good choice to have as it is heart healthy drink because of its antioxidants and it boost the HDL - the good cholesterol in the body.

4.Salmon and Tuna fish – as it is rich in omega-3 which is healthy fat that may lessen the risk of heart rhythm disorders and lower blood pressure.

5.Walnuts, almonds, oranges, olive oil are always good to have when it comes to hearth health.

6.Don’t smoke as it causes severe heart problems.

7. Do regular exercises for atleast 30-45 minutes daily, but don’t lift too heavy as it causes cardiovascular problems as well. And if still you want to lift heavy weights then all should be happen under proper guidance and expert supervision.

8.Try to get 25–35% of your daily calories from fat

9. Better to avoid saturated and trans fat but if taking then not more than 7% of your daily calories.

10.Limit dietary cholesterol to not more than 200 mg per day.

11.Eat 10–25 grams of soluble fiber per day.

12.Foods to Avoid – fast food , fried food, candy, chips, processed frozen meals, cookies and cakes, biscuits, ice cream, condiments such as mayonnaise, ketchup, and packaged dressing, red meat (in limited quantities only), Alcohol, hydrogenated vegetable oils (these contain trans and saturated fats), pizza, burgers, and hot dogs.

13.Watch out your weight as obesity may lead to heart problems.

14.Life is full of stress so learn to manage the stress.

15.Important to manage other factors as well like hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid disease.

To check the heath status of heart is Blood tests, Electrocardiogram (ECG), Exercise stress test, Echocardiogram (ultrasound), Nuclear cardiac stress test, Coronary angiogram, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Now lets discuss something about severe heart diseases, which is very important to know.

Heart disease refers to coronary heart disease (CHD) . This is the most common type of heart disease in which the coronary arteries (tubes) that take blood to the heart gets narrowed or blocked and this happens when cholesterol and fatty material, called plaque, build up inside the arteries.

Several things can lead to plaque building up inside your arteries, including:

Too much cholesterol in the blood, High blood pressure, Smoking, Too much sugar in the blood because of diabetes and when plaque blocks an artery, it’s hard for blood to flow to the heart. A blocked artery can cause chest pain or a heart attack as you can see in the below pic.

Now look at some common symptoms and signs of a heart attack are as follows.

• Pain or discomfort in the center or left side of the chest — or a feeling of pressure, squeezing, or fullness

• Shortness of breath or trouble breathing (while resting or being active)

• Feeling sick to your stomach or throwing up

• Pain or discomfort in the upper body —In arms, back, shoulders, neck,  upper stomach.

• Stomach ache or feeling like you have heartburn 

• Feeling dizzy, light-headed, or unusually tired

Note- if anyone is diagnosed with any of the above symptoms, he/she should immediately consult the doctor for sure.
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