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How to take care of your precious Hairs



Hair, natural part of human’s look and an expression of the personality. So, hairs are very important in human body and we must take care of them efficiently.

Hair gives us protection also, for instance, it helps to protect our scalp from direct sunlight. Eyelashes and eyebrows keep dust, dirt and sweat out of our eyes. Even the hairs in our nose and ears help to keep out germs and other foreign objects. Body hair helps to regulate our body temperature. The hairs stand up when it’s cold, keeping the air that is warmed by the body close to the body – like a warming layer of air.

Now there are general Do’s and Don’ts which are applicable to all when it comes to the health of hair.

So, first we will see the Hair care Do’s.

1)     One of the most important and required action is to wash your hair regularly. As washing it regularly ensures that your scalp and hair is free from dirt, dandruff and excess oil. However, the right frequency of washing hairs may depend on your hair type and personal preferences. If you have extremely dry hair then it is recommended to limit your washing to twice a week. If you have an oily scalp, washing your hair on alternate days would be good choice.

2)     Second thing, always use chemical free shampoos though it is quite impossible to find such chemical free shampoos of big brand companies but still, it is highly recommended to use the chemical free shampoos. We can’t control all the environmental factors that may damage the health of hair but, this can be controlled. And you this, you may consult the doctor called trichologist, expert for treating human hairs.

3)     Use  of conditioners- Conditioner contain ingredients that make the hair fall straight and manageable. It protects your hair from environmental aggressors and heat styling. However, it should be applied only on the tips of the hair and not on your scalp. Also, make sure to rinse it off thoroughly post application.

4)     Always try to get your hair dried naturally in sunlight or leaving them as it is after rubbing with towel. As blowing makes the hair beautiful but excessive heat styling , can damage your hair scalp. Avoid harsh rubbing with towel.

5)     Oil your hair properly, it is suggested that pre-shampoo treatments like oiling and massaging improve blood circulation on the scalp, relax your muscles, boost shine and nourish the hair. It also restores moisture content, enables hair growth and repairs split ends. You can choose from coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil etc. Avoid using mineral oil on your hair.

6)     Use wide toothed comb for hair styling.

7)      It is recommended to get your hairs trimmed regularly once in 6-8 weeks. However, frequency may depend on the growth your hair.

8)     Style the hair naturally.

9)    Always keep yourself hydrated as internal hydration coupled with external hydration is the key to well-balanced and healthy hair.

10  Always take a balanced diet, actually, you are what you eat. Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids and it needs the right nutrition to grow well and maintain itself. Eggs, nuts, fish, all the green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, fruits are some of the many great foods for healthy hair.

11  Protect your hair from harmful sunlight and pollutants because if both has the tendency to damage your skin then the same could be happened with your hair as well. Harsh sunlight may damage your hair by removing moisture from it. So you may use hats when you step out to protect your hair from this damage.

Now, Hair Don’ts.

Stress- Stay stress free as stress may cause the hair loss and unhealthy hair.

Chemical Shampoos-Avoid highly reactive chemical shampoos as that may cause serious issue to your hairs.

Hot Showers- Avoid taking hot showers as this may cause damage to the health of hair, scalp and leave it dry.

Avoid hair styling products like straighteners, blow dryers and curlers if possible for you.

So these are some tips for taking care of your hairs.

Now the consequence, if you don’t take care of your hairs, your hair stops growing after a certain point and start falling.  Also, you may see dandruff, dryness and dullness. Not washing hair for long periods can cause ingrown hairs.

Now, there is fact that depending on a person’s hair type, they may need to follow different care instructions.

Now we have different type of hairs such as

straight with different texture___________________________

bend, wavy hairs, 

loose curls, coils, curly 


Now let’s understand what is Hair structure?

Hair structure refers to the thickness of the strands of hair. A person’s hair can be:

Fine, medium, coarse.

Generally, people have 2 types of hair whether thick or thin and both need different type of care.

People with thick dense hair may use the following.

Hair gel, hair butters, cream, hair mask, thicker and coconut oils.

People with thin light hair may use the following

use dry shampoo, wash the hair regularly, apply conditioner to the ends of the hairs.

 When someone should consult a doctor if they experience any of the following symptoms:

There are many symptoms for which one must consult the doctor, but here is a list most common symptoms for which one has to visit the professional.

Develop bald patches
Sudden hair loss
lose clumps of hair
experience itching and burning sensations on the scalp

Also, the question arises whether it is preventable or not. Let me tell you that this is preventable provided the condition that people have to use recommended certain shampoos, essential oils, and dietary supplements.

I hope you have found this article helpful, and still if you have any query, please feel free to write it to us. Also, you can visit for further motivation, fitness related knowledge, blogs on various topics etc.


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