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Natural ways to keep Kidney Healthy

  Kidney an  important organ of the human body. As blood moves in our body it picks up extra fluid, chemicals and waste. The kidneys separate this material from the blood. It throws out the same out of the body through urine and If the kidneys are unable to do this and the condition is untreated, serious health problems arises with eventual loss of life.

So, as you can see, kidneys have very important role to play in our body and we must take very good care of them but how, don’t worry here you will get all your answers, just keep reading.

1) Always keep your body hydrated as water helps to remove toxins from body.

 2) Vitamins and minerals are powerful antioxidants. Vitamin C helps to  dissolve kidney stones easily. Foods rich in vitamin C promote better kidney health such as, citrus fruits like orange, cucumbers, broccoli, kiwi, lemons, apples are effective in keeping the kidney healthy.

3) Kidney beans which are also known as rajma in hindi are rich in proteins. The soluble and insoluble fibers present in them helps to keep the digestive system healthy.

4) The combination of lemon juice and honey is the most effective way of keeping your body working.

5) Maintain blood pressure, diabetes and prevent against cardiovascular disease.

6) Active life, do regular exercise, quit alcohol.

7) Always try to consume kidney safe drugs or may consult doctors before taking any heavy pain killers.

8) If you’re at high risk of kidney damage or kidney disease then its a good idea to go through a regular kidney function tests. The following people may benefit from regular screening:

  • Those who smoke daily
  • Those who have  a family history of high blood pressure
  • People who are obese
  • Those who have heart disease
  • Those who were born at a low birth weight
  • People who are 60 plus
  • People who have cardiovascular disease or have family with it

Now let’s discuss about the types of kidney diseases.

First of all, for checking kidney’s health- KFT, urine test, blood test are test to be done.

Now, the most common is Kidney stones.

Kidney stones are common problems. Whatever you are eating, minerals and other substances in your blood may crystallize in the kidneys, forming solid particles, or stones, that usually pass out of your body in urine. This is the natural process but passing kidney stones can be extremely painful can cause severe problems. Symptoms, if someone has kidney stone - stomach pain, fever, vomiting, back pain, blood in urine, dizziness. These are the common symptoms of having kidney stone as described in below pic as well.

Glomerulonephritis- It is another kidney disease, which is found in the case of inflammation of the glomeruli, a microscopic structures inside kidneys that perform the filtration of blood. This can be caused by infections, drugs, congenital abnormalities, and autoimmune diseases. This can be seen in the below pic also.

Kidney Cysts- These cysts in kidneys are very common and usually harmless, but there is something called Polycystic kidney disease, which is a genetic disorder that causes many cysts interfering the function of kidneys.

And there are many chronic kidney diseases also like high blood pressure, diabetes etc which deteriorate the performance of the kidney functions. There are many other symptoms as well as follows.

Chest pain ,nausea and vomiting, itching, loss of appetite, unexpected weight loss, weakness, fatigue, insomnia( sleep disruptions),bone pain, shortness of breath.

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